Monday, August 3, 2009

I have decided to get fit. Which sport should I choose? Golf, Inline Skating or Skateboarding?

C'mon LG, you can't lose weight rolling around on skates and boards.... You gotta put some energy into it.

Change your lifestyle and do this forever. Drink lots of water, walk, run, or swim an hour every day except 1 then do stretching and upper body toning. Eat fruits %26amp; vegetables.

No alcohol

no bread

no burgers

No candy

No chips

no corn

no fried foods

No pasta

No pizza

No potatoes

No sodas

No sugar

Good Luck

I have decided to get fit. Which sport should I choose? Golf, Inline Skating or Skateboarding?
cycling. get a good one
Reply:sketeboarding or inline because in golf all you do is swing a stupid club at a little ball, and skate boarding helps you build up the muscles in your lower body because you do alot of jumping and bending and its all about the movement in your ankles.
Reply:if you want to get fit, i definitely recommend skateboarding.

But, it shouldnt be just riding it, if your wanting to get fit skateboarding, your gonna have to get into some tricks. I can do alot of tricks and after about 20 minutes of skating and doing those tricks, i am out of energy, proving i got a huge workout.

If your not up to learning all these tricks, and skating for a few hours a day, then i definitely recommend inline skating.

Because skatboarding takes alot of work and persistence. And golfing doesnt challenge your body physically as much as the other two
Reply:Choose which ever you want, but I would choose golf and inline skating.
Reply:um out of those three choices i would say

inline skating

golf isnt very physically demanding and you have to make sure you have membershi at a course before you can play.

and skateboarding is very dependant on your age,young then try it over 20? dont even think about it lol either way you will spend alot of tie on the floor!

with inline skating you can use the whole of your body when moving so its more physical plus it can be practical to when you need to get somewhere quickly!

hope that helps

Reply:I have been skateboarding for about 6 years, and it is one of the best workouts you can ever have. It makes your legs stronger, but it also helps your abs, and depending on what tricks you are doing, your arms and shoulders too. It gets very addictive as well.
Reply:The Nintendo Wii Console provides excellent sports facilities and you don' have to leave your armchair. You can do bowling, golf, boxing, baseball etc. Good luck.
Reply:Not Golf it's a nice walk spoiled. I'd suggest cycling. It's hard at first but you'd soon find it very rewarding. There are still many quiet country lanes your amongst the scenery in the fresh air. If you want to miss the traffic you can always get on a train.
Reply:kick boxing
Reply:I enjoy golf, but fishing a little white ball out of sand, long grass and water while people laugh at you is not to everybodies taste (Yes, I am that bad). Do what you enjoy rather than what others tell you will make fitter. Golf involves a lot of walking and so is good for your health but inline skating or running will give you a better workout. Try swimming, you can do it in the rain.
Reply:if you wanna get fit....go run! um..i would say out of the three choices you put that skateboarding would be the best....but if you really wanna get in shape go run like 30 minutes a day or join your schools track team! =]
Reply:Chess. If you lose any pieces it will take you hours searching the house for them. You'll be fit in no time!!!
Reply:I would suggest doing all three at the same time, this should give maximum results!
Reply:As a golfer, I don't think golf is the answer. Personally, its not very demanding physically. And skateboarding seems a little hazzardous. I would go with inline skating.
Reply:hi i think you should do golf its really fun and exercising , while you can see nice views for the tee off ! its a really cool sport even if ppl dont think so ! iv been playing for 5 years now and really enjoy it competing in compeition every sunday morning at 11:30 am ! try it, practice makes perfect and be patient i have been youl get used 2 it eventually plus alot of walking exercise !which seems kinda lazy but actualy works !! give it ago and good luck from paul xxx

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