Saturday, July 25, 2009

Roller skates for beginner?

I'm thinking of buying outdoor roller skates, but since I'm a beginner I don't know which type would be best for me, quads or inlines. I'm 19 and don't really want to buy a second pair later on (I read other posts, and some suggested starting with quads and then moving to inlines after)...

If you skate (or used to skate), approx. how long did it take for you to learn to do it comfortably (w/o falling)?? {and mentioning the type of skate you used would be helpful too, thanks}..are quads easier to master than inlines, or is that a wrong assumption?

Any input is greatly appreciated ~ I'd love to hear your opinions regarding either/both skates, especially if you skate yourself=).

(what's aggressive inline skating?? I don't want to do it, just curious...)

Roller skates for beginner?
last time I skated on quads it was like 1980 something and they sucked back then, I inlined skated for a long time and took me a day to learn good and a good week of doing it comfortable enough to not fall down and actually skate around the city. I believe both are just as equal as the other, quads may be easier to learn on or skate on, my gf can't skate with inlines she has to use quads. Really it'll be up to your preferance. I don't inline skate anymore and did some aggressive inline skating for a while but I liked my skateboard more and that what I stick too. I'd just get something that you think you'll like and try it out, learning is up to how much time you want to put into it, learning to just skate around is easy, find a nice open area and go slow. Good luck
Reply:It’s personal preference. No one should influence your decision except you. Try them both and decide what you like. (I like quads.) By the way, all skaters fall; it’s just a matter of how often. Learn to fall and get up properly without causing yourself injury. That’s the key! Report It

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